Self-Realization as described by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
The ever-awaited
first moment was the moment when
I was convinced
that I was not an individual at all. The idea
of my
individuality had set me burning so far. The scalding
pain was beyond my
capacity to endure; but there is not
even a trace of it
now, I am no more an individual. There is
nothing to limit
my being now. The ever-present anxiety and
the gloom has
vanished and now I am all beatitude, pure
knowledge, pure
The tumors of
innumerable desires and passion were
simply unbearable,
but fortunately for me, I got hold of the
hymn “Hail,
Preceptor”, and on its constant recitation, all
the tumors of
passions withered away as with a magic spell!
I am ever free
now. I am all bliss, sans spite, sans fear.
This beatific
conscious form of mine now knows no bounds.
I belong to all,
and everyone is mine. The “all” are but my own
and these together go to make up my beatific
being. There is
nothing like good or bad, profit or loss, high
or low, mine or
not mine for me. Nobody opposes me and I
oppose none for
there is none other than myself. Bliss
reclines on the
bed of bliss. The repose itself has turned into
There is nothing
that I ought or ought not to do, but
my activity goes
on everywhere, every minute. Love and
anger are divided
equally among all, as are work and
recreation. My
characteristics of immensity and majesty, my
pure energy, and
my all, having attained to the golden core,
repose in bliss as
the atom of atoms. My pure consciousness
shines forth in
majestic splendor.
Why and how the
consciousness became self-conscious
is obvious now.
The experience of the world is no
more of the world
as such, but is the blossoming forth of the
selfsame conscious
principle, God, and what is it? It is pure,
primal knowledge,
conscious form, the primordial “I”
consciousness that
is capable of assuming any form it
desires. It is
designated as God. The world as the divine
expression is not
for any profit or loss; it is the pure, simple,
natural flow of
beatific consciousness. There are no
distinctions of
God and devotee, nor Brahman and Maya. He
that meditated on
the bliss and peace is himself the ocean of
peace and bliss.
Glory to the eternal truth, Sad-Guru, the
Supreme Self.
- From: Self Knowledge And Self Realization by Sri
Nisargadatta Maharaj
Edited by Jean Dunn