Joseph Benner
Now, in order that you may learn to know Me, so that you can
be sure it is I, your own True Self, Who speak these words, you must first
learn to Be Still, to quiet your human mind and body and all their activities,
so that you no longer are conscious of them. You may not yet be able to do
this, but I will teach you how, if you really want to know Me, and are willing
to prove it by trusting Me and obeying Me in all that I now shall call upon you
to do.
Try to imagine the “I” who speaks throughout these pages as
being your Higher or Divine Self, addressing and counselling your human mind
and intellect, which you will consider for the moment as being a separate
personality. Your human mind is so constituted that it cannot accept anything
which does not conform with what it has previously experienced or learned, and
which its intellect does not consider reasonable. Therefore, in addressing it, You
are using such terms and expressions as will most clearly explain to your
intellect the truths it must understand before the mind can awaken to the
consciousness of your meaning. The fact is, this “I” is yourself, your Real
Self. Your human mind has heretofore been so engrossed with the task of
supplying its intellect and body with all manner of selfish indulgences, that
it has never had time to get acquainted with the Real You, its true Lord and
Master. You have been so interested in and affected by the pleasures and
sufferings of your body and intellect, that you have almost come to believe You
are your intellect and body, and you have consequently nearly forgotten Me,
your Divine Self. I AM not your intellect and body, and this Message is to
teach that You and I are One. The words I herein speak, and the main burden of
these instructions, is to awaken your consciousness to this great fact. You
cannot awaken to this fact until you can get away from the consciousness of
this body and intellect, which so long have held you enslaved. You must feel Me
within, before you can know I AM there. Now, in order that you can become
wholly oblivious of your mind and its thoughts and your body and its
sensations, so that you can feel Me within, it is necessary that you studiously
obey these, My instructions. Sit quietly in a relaxed position, and, when
wholly at ease, let your mind take in the significance of these words:
Who decides the day and the hour? It is the conscious,
natural act of the Intelligence within, My Intelligence, directed by My Will,
bringing to fruition My Idea and expressing it in the blossom and in the chick.
But did the blossom and the chick have anything to do with it? No, only as they
submitted or united their will with Mine and allowed Me and My Wisdom to
determine the hour and the ripeness for action, and then only as they obeyed
the impulse of My Will to make the effort, could they step forth into the New
Life. You may, with your personality, try a thousand times a thousand times to
burst through the shell of your human consciousness. It will result only, if at
all, in a breaking down of the doors I have provided between the world of
tangible forms and the realm of intangible dreams; and the door being open, you
then no longer can keep out intruders from your private domain, without much
trouble and suffering. But even through such suffering you may gain the
strength you lack and the wisdom needed to know that, not until you yield up
all desire for knowledge, for goodness, yes, for union with Me, to benefit
self, can you unfold your petals showing forth the perfect Beauty of My Divine
Nature, and throw off the shell of your human personality and step forth into
the glorious Light of My Heavenly Kingdom. Therefore I give you these
directions now, at the beginning, that you may be learning how to recognize Me.
For I here promise you, if you follow and strive earnestly to comprehend and obey My instructions herein given, you shall very soon know Me, and I will give you to comprehend all of My Word wherever written, — in book or teaching, in Nature, or in your fellow man. If there is much in what herein is written that seems contradictory, seek out My real meaning before discarding it. Do not leave a single paragraph, or any one thought in it, until all that is suggested becomes clear. But in all your seeking and all your striving, let it be with faith and trust in Me, your True Self within, and without being anxious about results; for the results are all in My keeping, and I will take care of them. Your doubts and your anxiety are but of the personality, and if allowed to persist will lead only to failure and disappointment.
LIFE by Joseph Benner